Engineer, Threshing and Haulage Contractors
Victoria and Albert’s First Event Together

Victoria and Albert’s First Event Together

Victoria and Albert first event

We had a very exciting event at the beginning of July where Victoria and Albert went to their first event together in over 22 years. The event was held at Amberley Museum where they had their large steam event, as well as Victoria and Albert there were plenty of other engines to see. The weather tried to dampen the fun but it couldn’t, it was an excellent weekend.

With Saturday morning upon us, we steamed both engines and took them for a trundle round the museum, this was the first time they had done this together in many years, it was a very special moment for us all. The weekend flew by and before long it was over, although late on Sunday afternoon Albert decided he didn’t want tyres on him anymore and throw one off so we spent most of Sunday evening taking off his tyres as Monday we were to steam both him and Victoria up again for the photo charter event at the museum. By mid evening we had manage to finish the job and Albert was now trundling round on his strakes.

We were also joined by Wendy’s little Foden for the weekend.

Here are a lots of pictures from a great weekend.