Engineer, Threshing and Haulage Contractors
Sewards Blog

Sewards Blog

We had a very exciting event at the beginning of July where Victoria and Albert went to their first event together in over 22 years.

Welcome back Albert

April 30, 2024
Albert the Fowler traction engine has returned back from France to join the Sewards family again!

Spring has Sprung

March 20, 2024
With the first day of spring today we thought we would add a quick post.
Here we are at the of the third week of January.
The Bristish Engineerium at Hove has been closed for a while now, but with an invite to see it in steam, of course we jumped at it.
We haven't updated you for a while on here so we thought that we would bring you up to date.

Winter Work Begins

November 29, 2022
Victoria has now returned back home and the winter work begins. 
This weekend just gone, 3rd & 4th September we attended The Balls Cross Rally with Victoria
So, we travelled from Hampshire to Sussex on Saturday 25th June.
It's been a few weeks since we have posted on here so we thought we would give you a quick update on what we have been up to.

Trailer Work

April 28, 2022
This is a quick post about our trailer.....

Sir John Fowler

April 12, 2022
It was great to see the return of Sir John Fowler on the rally field

Events for 2022

March 24, 2022
We are well into 2022 and we have a few events booked in and confirmed

Into the New Year

January 26, 2022
Here we are just heading through January.

Steam Test

November 23, 2021
As we are coming to the end of 2021 and Victoria was coming to the end of her steam test ticket.

Balls Cross 2021

September 8, 2021
Balls Cross is a small charity event that is held over the first weekend of September each year

Road Run to the Pub

August 17, 2021
We had a great road run to the pub for lunch over the weekend
It's been a long while since all 3 of our steam related items have been together.