This list shows the known employees of W. Seward and Son. We have used various sources for this information, including the 1891 and 1901 census. If you are related to any of the people mentioned in this list, or maybe you know some other people who worked for the business, and have any more information about them, we would be very interested to hear from you as their history is linked to that of the business.
Charlie Brooker
Appears in the photograph of ‘The Dreadnought’ with the decorated trailers en-route to Basing Park.
William Clark (Bill)
Was driving the ‘Popgun’ when involved in an accident which resulted in the chimney leaning over while on a rolling job off Sandringham Road, Petersfield. Was driving the four shaft Marshall when the crankshaft broke while descending Combe Hill, East Meon.
Born in 1878.
In 1901 lived at Warrenside, Froxfield.
George Colewell
Actual name, Edward George Colewell.
The works engineer, driver and steersman.
Apprenticed to Walter Seward when he was 14. Started working at Sewards in 1895 and remained with Sewards until he was 70.
Born in 1881 in Weston.
In 1901 he was lodging at 16. North Road, Petersfield, the house of the Creedon family.
Albert Cook
A labourer on the firm.
Appears in the Dreadnought outing photo standing by the rear wheel, then aged 49.
Born in 1863.
In 1901 was living at 19. Windsor Road, Petersfield.
Bert Coombs
Regular driver of ‘The Queen of the Road’.
G. Edwards
No other information is known about this employee.
Arthur Fiander
Arthur also drove the Petersfield U.D.C. Aveling and Porter roller at some point in his career.
Born 1872.
In 1901 lived at Folly Cottage, Upper Green, Hawkley.
Bill Fiander
Regular driver of ‘The King of the Road’.
Herbert Fiander
No other information is known about this employee.
W. Hearne
No other information is known about this employee.
A. Hiscock
No other information is known about this employee.
Herbert Fiander
No other information is known about this employee.
Charlie Marten
Boy Labourer.
Probably started working for Sewards at the age of 13, came from Ipswich, Suffolk. Possibly the boy in the foreground of the sawbench photo.
In 1901 was lodging at 15 Borough Road, Petersfield.
H. Pink
No other information is known about this employee.
James Seward
Son of Walter.
Driver of most if not all of the firms engines.
Continued to run the firm after Walter’s death in June 1921.
Born in 1879 in a house in Sheep Street, Petersfield.
Walter James Seward
Eldest son of James senior, grandson of Walter, elder brother of Bob.
Driver but was mainly concerned with the administration of the business.
Born in 1901 in a house in Sheep Street, Petersfield.
Robert Seward (Bob)
Second son of James, grandson of Walter.
Driver of many of the firms engines, in particular the tractors.
Started on the firm in 1919 when 14.
Born in 1905 in a house in Sheep Street (possibly No.6), Petersfield.
James Smith
Jack Stennings
Steered for Bob Seward on the wagon when over taken by a Sentinel just before it was involved in an accident.
Bill Stubbs
An engine driver for Ameys Brewery until 1913 when he joined Sewards, remained until 1923 when he left to work for George Ewen.
Born in 1880.
Living with his parents at 19. North Road, Petersfield in 1901.
Cornelius (Corny) West
No other information is known about this employee.
This employees list was compiled by Kevin Lockyer.