Engineer, Threshing and Haulage Contractors
Steam Test

Steam Test

Lloyd cleaning Victoria's firebox

As we are coming to the end of 2021 and Victoria was coming to the end of her steam test ticket we thought we would wait and not bother for a couple of months before we went ahead and booked in for a new one, but with someone wanting us to do an event at the end of November we decided that we would go ahead and book her in before the end of the year.

So she was brought home from the farm we keep her at during the summer months and then emptied of water, all joints and doors taken out, we cleaned the tubes, firebox, smokebox and anything that needed cleaning to within an inch of its life. Boiler inspector was booked to do the cold examination, all went well and no problems. Steam test booked, again no problem. Excellent news, all ready for the event at the end of November. Then we received an email from said event organiser, event cancelled!! It’s at a school and the school is full of Covid so have decided to not go ahead with the Christmas fair, sad for all involved, the school kids, teachers and helpers, all the stall holders and of course us and Victoria. Never mind maybe next year…