Engineer, Threshing and Haulage Contractors
Thank you

Thank you

We would like to thank everyone who came along to our event over the weekend, if you were a exhibitor or visiting public thank you for taking the time to come along to us.

It was a very busy few weeks leading up to the event then of course a week of last minute jobs including putting up the centre line fence, marking the field out and making sure everything is ready to go on Friday when our exhibitors start arriving… It was then 2 very hot days on Saturday and Sunday when the gates were open to the public to come and enjoy the event. By Sunday evening  we were looking forward to a cool bath and a glass of wine to refresh ourselfs a bit. Back up the field on Monday to tidy up and pack everything away and take down the 50 or so posters that we had put up to advertise the event….

Now just the paper work to sort!

There are a few people we would like to thank are

Futuresys Ltd our main sponsor for the event
Robert and Sophie Whitcombe for the use of their wonderful field
Petersfield Summer Festival team for the use of the chairs and tables
County Fire and Rescue Service, our fire and first aid cover for the weekend
Horse Drawn Occasions for bringing their beautiful horses Bear and Otis along and giving wagon rides
All the local business that put and advert in our event programme
All the exhibiotrs
The visiting public
and anyone else we have forgotten….

Thank you to you all…